Smart Ring


This ring is perfect for Android and iOS users, as it allows you to operate different functions on your phone with just a simple swipe of your finger. With two sets of NFC modules, the Smart Ring can be used for virtual calls, scene notifications, memo sharing, and business card sharing.


  • Contactless Payments: Some smart rings are equipped with near-field communication (NFC) technology, allowing users to make secure and convenient contactless payments. By linking the smart ring to a payment account, users can simply tap their ring on compatible payment terminals to complete transactions.
  • Sleep Tracking: Many smart rings include sleep tracking features that monitor the wearer's sleep patterns, duration, and quality. This information can be valuable for individuals looking to improve their sleep habits and overall well-being.
  • Gesture Control: Advanced smart rings may incorporate gesture control technology, enabling users to interact with devices or applications using hand movements. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where touchscreens or voice commands may be impractical or inconvenient.
  • Emergency Alerts and Safety Features: Some smart rings come equipped with safety features, such as a panic button or the ability to send distress signals to predefined contacts in emergencies. This can provide users with an added layer of security and peace of mind.

What's Package Includes:

  • 1x Smart Ring.